Part 33: Sweet Dreams
Previously on The 3rd Birthday, it turned out Aya Brea has actually been Eve Brea hijacking her sisters body the entire game. The real Aya Brea had her soul shattered by the first ever Overdive and that sent its fragments careening into the future which produced the Twisted race. Hyde Bohr, who is from a race of High Ones produced by Eves original body dying and sending off evolution rays, wants to merge with Eve so the High One race can reproduce and destroy the Twisted in their endless Time War. Or something close to that.
Anyway, lets see how those Brea gals get out of this one
Hyde Bohr getting shot would do it. Sure, hes gotten shot a hundred times and died once already. But, as everyone knows, cutscene bullet potency is exponentially more powerful than standard bullets.
And the shooter of the evil anime man in the white suit?
Why its the real Aya Brea, of course. Sure, shes been bleeding out on the floor for ten minutes while Hyde has been reciting his villain monologue. But the first



Aya Brea is having none of this anime bullshit and riddles Hyde with bullets. And yes, this time Hyde Bohr is incredibly dead for good.
Just to be certain, one more right in the face. No half-measures when dealing with anime villains.

New Music: Dive Into Myself Changing to


Aya flips the pistol around in her hand








Aya hugs her weird, time anomaly producing clone one last time before committing to sorting this out.

To sum up what happened here to the best of my understanding: In the original botched Overdive, Eve permanently jumped into Ayas body and smashed her soul in the process, while leaving Eves original body to die. Apparently the whole soul smashing thing isnt instant. It was caused by Eves soul staying in Ayas body long enough to cause it (presumably the same time as her original flipped out and caused the High Ones while dying.) Its like say if you sat on a dogs head. If you did it briefly by accident, but quickly got up, that dog wouldnt be happy. But it wouldnt be dead. Pass out drunk on that puppys head in the middle of the night and its going to be dead by the time you wake up in a stupor the next morning. I guess... Maybe? I'm just trying to rationalize this nonsense and probably putting in more effort than the writers did.
So, by Hyde tossing Eve back in her original body with his weird, poorly defined Overdive abilities, Ayas soul is kinda damaged enough to cause the Twisted thing if she stayed alive, but still but not completely shatter yet. So thats how she comes back and ices Hyde. Hyde Bohr was a tremendous idiot. Likewise, Eves body is going to flip out and cause the High Ones to be created here shortly. I guess Hyde was wrong about the part where it happened because Eves old body was dying. Or something Look, Im not entire sure.
The point is, what if this time Eve Brea and Aya Brea just exchanged souls instead of anyone destroying anyone elses soul and accidentally causing an apocalypse?
And so while Hyde Bohrs Tentacle Abomination and
There is one last final gameplay bit of this stupid, fucking game
The final bit of gameplay of The 3rd Birthday is passing on the series protagonist torch to Eve Brea by murdering Aya Brea. Or more correctly, just snuffing out the Parasite Eve series once and for all. Let's shoot dead the series protagonist in the body of a 12 year old child. The Assassination of Aya Brea by the Coward Square-Enix.

I bet you didnt think that the thread title was literal this whole time, now did you?
Tune in next time for the last of the ending to The 3rd Birthday.

Video: The 3rd Birthday Ending Part 2 (Yes. You should watch this.)

Aya Wedding Dress Nice day for a red wedding.

Aya Wedding Promotional CG Apparently the original pitch for The 3rd Birthday was solely Aya throwing down at her own wedding. Thats as far as the cellphone game ever made it before they realized it would sell more on the PSP if they expanded it to a full title. And welp